You don't have to be a wildlife enthusiast to be enthused by primates! Humans are one of around 300 species that consititute the primate order. Primates are characterised primarily by having large brains relative to body weight, allowing for complex social interaction, use of tools, spatial reasoning and conscious thought. Viewing primates in the wild is special for this reason; it is easy to be captivated by the anthropomorphic stare of a Mountain Gorilla, wondering if it's pondering the same questions that you are, or to marvel at the intelligence displayed even by small primates, such as the Bearded Capuchin as it cracks tough Brazil nuts using an improvised hammer and anvil.

I was lucky enough to first visit Borneo as a guidebook researcher in the 1990s. Back then there were few, if any, guided tours and conditions were pretty rudimentary: getting into national parks involved learning enough Malay to catch minibuses – or river boats – to the nearest village and asking around there for guides to take you on foot into the forest...

Read about highlights from recent tours to the Solomon Islands, Peru, India, St. Lucia, Spain, Portugal and France ...

The two islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, 150 miles or so off the north-west coast of Gabon, comprise a rarely visited island paradise! Click here for details on our new birdwatching tour.

The start of another year brings with it new aspirations and exciting ideas for holidays to plan and look forward to. With a lot going on for the naturalist, spring and autumn are traditionally the best seasons to travel on the continent, but there are fantastic wildlife experiences to be had throughout the rest of the year too. Below is a list of just some of our favourite wildlife and natural history highlights in each month in the UK, Europe and slightly further afield.


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