Wildlife Holidays in Armenia

Armenia is a small Christian country, about the size of Wales, situated at the meeting point between Europe and Asia, in the Caucasus region. It is a land-locked country, formerly a Soviet Republic, nestling in the snow-capped Caucasian Mountains, overlooked by Mount Ararat just over the border in Turkey.
Its capital, Yerevan, bustles with a lively juxtaposition of old churches and a thriving jazz scene, while at weekends the huge and atmospheric ‘vernissage’ open-air flea market attracts locals and tourists.
It has a rich cultural history – 13th century bridges, ‘caravanserais’ (stopovers for traders plying the silk route in the 14th century) and many interesting Armenian Orthodox monasteries, some dating back as far as the 9th century, all serve as reminders of Armenia’s long history and strategic location.
Speak with our Armenia specialist

Our Specialist Recommends
"Armenia’s mix of habitats and location at the boundary of Asia and Europe leads to a diverse and fascinating natural history with a number of regional endemics. Our Armenia in Spring tour is led by local experts and is an excellent choice"
Operations Manager - Dan LayNaturetrek Tours to Armenia
What’s special about its wildlife?
Despite its small size, Armenia is home to over two-thirds of Europe’s regularly occurring bird species, including many that are rare or difficult to see elsewhere.
Naturetrek offers two tours to Armeni; 'Armenia in Spring' is a bargain birdwatching trip and 'Butterflies of the Caucasus' is a butterfly holiday amid the mountains of Armenia.
What might I see on the bargain bird watching tour?
- Birds such as Caucasian Black Grouse & Caspian Snowcock in the high mountains
- Alpine species including White-winged Snowfinch & Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, plus a wide range of other species at lower altitudes & in wetland habitats including White-throated Robin, White-tailed Lapwing, Glossy Ibis, Armenian Gull & Blue-cheeked Bee-eater