Wildlife Holidays in Honduras

Honduras is a republic situated in Central America. It borders the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. It has a tropical climate in the lowlands, while in the mountains it is temperate. In prehistory there was an important Mayan presence around the city of Copan near the Guatemalan border, and in 1502 Columbus landed near Trujillo on his fourth and his final voyage to the New World. Honduras was part of Spain’s empire in the New World from the time of Columbus until granting it independence in 1871.
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Our Specialist Recommends
‘We offer a bird watching holiday to Honduras, an – as yet – little explored birding destination, where most species occur within easily accessible habitats. Nine species of oriole are possible, plus Guatemalan Screech Owl, Blue-crowned Chloroponia, Crested Bobwhite, Keel-billed Motmot, Lovely Cotinga, Swallow-tailed Swift, Speckled Mourner and White-vented Euphonia among many other species.’
Operations Manager - Dan LayNaturetrek Tours to Honduras
Honduras is considered a biodiversity hotspot – it has a tremendous variety of flora and fauna including over 630 species of orchids, over 100 species of mammals and over 1,000 species of butterfly, including all six of Central America’s morphos. Honduras lies at the heart of the Mesoamerican region and 740 bird species have been recorded so far! As well as an exciting range of North American migrants, a wonderful sample of Central American birds is found here.