Wildlife Holidays in Spitsbergen

Tell me about Spitsbergen …
Spitsbergen is a dramatic island of huge glaciers, snow-covered mountains and steep-sided fjords, separated from the North Pole by just 965km of frozen ocean.
During the brief Arctic summer Spitsbergen is transformed into a land of perpetual daylight, covered by flower-filled tundra grazed by herds of Reindeer.
Speak with our Spitsbergen specialist

Our Specialist Recommends
"Our ‘Spitsbergen Wildlife Cruise’ is a once in a lifetime expedition to the high Arctic where we go in search of breeding seabirds, Polar Bears, Walrus and enjoy spectacular scenery. We charter our own vessel so we guarantee that the focus of the cruise will be on the wildlife."
Operations Manager - Paul StanburyNaturetrek Tours to Spitsbergen
We offer an 11-day wildlife expedition to the high Arctic, including a 10-day voyage around the island of Spitsbergen in search of breeding seabirds, Polar Bears, Walrus and spectacular scenery.
What’s special about the wildlife?
Towering sea-cliffs crowded with millions of seabirds on land, Polar Bears and Walruses on the pack-ice, seals, puffins, guillemots and much more … Spitsbergen is a truly spectacular wildlife destination.
What might I see?
- Ivory Gulls, Grey Phalarope, Long-tailed Squa, Red-throated Diver, Arctic Terns, Little Auks, Black & Brunnich’s Guillemots, Snow Buntings, King Eider, Long-tailed Duck, three species of geese & much more
- Mammals such as Polar Bear, Arctic Fox, Walrus & Beluga Whales, plus Bearded, Harp & Ringed Seals
- Stunning scenery, a wide variety of arctic flora, glass-like fjords backed by huge glaciers such as the Monaco & Hamilton Glaciers …