Chris Griffin

See upcoming tours
Chris Griffin

Chris was obsessed with wildlife from an early age, when he spent every available moment either at a local nature reserve or buried in a bird book! Naturally this led to a wildlife orientated career, where he worked for the RSPB and various environmental consultancies as a Field Ornithologist. Now, three decades on, his life hasn’t changed much, as he still birds his local reserves and is regularly found delving his head into a field guide! 

Chris is a keen wildlife photographer, and particularly enjoys the Somerset Levels where he photographs anything and everything. Birds are his first love, but Chris also enjoys watching, and has excellent knowledge of lepidoptera, odonata, reptiles, and amphibians. His enthusiasm for wildlife is infectious, and he relishes any opportunity to share his wealth of knowledge and experience!

Upcoming tours with Chris Griffin...

  • 03 Oct - 12 Oct 2024
    Availability: Only 1 left


  • 24 Dec - 31 Dec 2024
    Availability: Full


  • 04 May - 11 May 2025
    Availability: Yes
