We had a fabulous time travelling from island to island watch wildlife- highlights were penguins and Orcas. We loved catching the little aeroplanes between the islands and the amazing hospitality and friendliness of the Falkland Islands. Naturetrek were amazing - we were delayed going and returning from holiday. They were very quick to keep us informed and sort us out.
C.T. Hampshire, Nov 24

Tour Itinerary and Reports
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The Falkland Islands
Tour Code: FLK01An 18-day holiday enjoying the birds and marine mammals of the Falkland Islands.
Tour Itinerary and Reports
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Lying about 450 kilometres from the coast of South America, the Falkland Islands are inhabited by huge numbers of seabirds including albatrosses, penguins, prions and cormorants during the breeding season (Oct to Mar). Combining starkly beautiful scenery reminiscent of Scotland, a blend of British and South American characteristics and a wildlife which shares many affinities with Antarctica, the Falkland Islands exert a unique charm over visitors. On this tour we’ll explore a wide range of habitats, including many of the smaller islands, in search of passerines including Falkland Thrushes, waterfowl, seabirds such as Southern Giant Petrels and Magellanic Oystercatcher, sea lions, penguin colonies (including Southern Rockhopper, King, Gentoo and Magellanic) cetaceans such as Orca and Commerson's Dolphin, and a profusion of wild flowers.
- Southern Elephant Seals & Southern Sea Lions loiter on magnificent sandy beaches
- Excursions to smaller islands including Pebble, Carcass & Sealion Islands
- Flocks of Upland Geese, Falkland Steamer Ducks & Dolphin Gulls
- Visit the King Penguin colony at Volunteer Point
- 5 species of penguin on Sealion Island, including Gentoo & Southern Rockhopper
- Explore the capital, Port Stanley – the size of an English village
- View Black-browed Albatross colony on West Point
- Endemic passerines including Cobbs Wren & Tussock-bird
- Blackish Oystercatcher, Two-banded Plover & Striated Caracara
- Led by expert local naturalist guide
Grade A. Mainly gentle birdwatching walks.
The Falkland Islands provide one of the most unusual and enjoyable destinations in the Naturetrek programme. Lying some 450 kilometres from the coast of South America, amid the rich fishing grounds of the South Atlantic, the islands are inhabited by huge numbers of seabirds during the breeding season which extends from October to March. The spectacle of these great assemblies of penguins, albatrosses, cormorants and terns is reason enough to visit the Falklands but the islands are so much more than just a haven for seabirds. The scenery is often reminiscent of the Scottish islands, but there are many unique aspects to life in the Falklands and visitors are constantly charmed by this blend of familiar and unfamiliar. In many ways the islands are essentially British in character but the South Atlantic exerts its own influences and the sight of huge Southern Elephant Seals hauled out on sandy beaches, or Northern Giant Petrels gliding along the Stanley shoreline, remind us that Europe is thousands of kilometres away and that the wildlife has more affinities with Antarctica!
Formerly the remoteness of the islands made them extremely difficult to visit but the construction of Mount Pleasant airfield, combined with the provision of comfortable tourist accommodation on a number of islands, has made the Falklands accessible to an ever-increasing number of travellers wishing to enjoy the remarkable natural history and fascinating way of life in this very special archipelago.
As we drive to Port Stanley from Mount Pleasant after the long flight from England, flocks of Upland Geese grazing by the roadside and Long-tailed Meadowlarks foraging in the heather indicate emphatically that we have entered a very different world. A walk along the Stanley waterfront from our comfortable hotel will underline this as Rock Shags fly to their nests on an old shipwreck in the harbour, Falkland Steamer Ducks dabble in the shallows, and Northern Giant Petrels squabble with Dolphin Gulls over titbits discarded from fishing boats.
Although the islands occupy an area roughly the size of Wales, the population is tiny, and even the capital, Stanley, is barely the size of a large English village. Isolated sheep farms and remote settlements are surrounded by great expanses of wild peat moorland, through which numerous streams carve their way to the sea, providing refuge for impressively large trout. Magnificent sandy beaches, the equal of any in the tropics, are invariably deserted except for loitering Southern Elephant Seals or South American Sea Lions, and in some places are utilised as landing strips by the light aircraft which serve as a lifeline between these widely scattered islands. Trees are scarce, but ubiquitous thickets of gorse add a vivid splash of colour to each settlement and offer a safe nesting place for Falkland Thrushes.
A day excursion from Stanley to Volunteer Point is sure to rank among the tour highlights as we visit the King Penguin colony at the point. The immensely appealing young birds that parade in front of us wearing their comical ‘fur’ coats of thick down will be just the first of many indelible memories to take home from these extraordinary South Atlantic islands.
Port Howard, Sea Lion and Pebble Islands constitute the main centres for our tour and we will be spending several days at each locality, travelling between islands on the FIGAS Islander aircraft which gives superb views of the scenery en route, and will cheerfully divert from its flight path if the pilot spots a pod of Killer Whales or anything else of interest to his passengers!
Two nights at Port Howard give us a taste of life on a busy Falklands sheep farm but the surrounding countryside is also rich in birdlife and we will see many of the typical West Falkland species during our stay, including various waterbirds and a small colony of Gentoo Penguins at Fox Bay.
Flying next to Pebble Island, we find a different terrain, with marshes and pools to the east of the island and moorland and hills to the west. There are several significant seabird colonies on Pebble and it has been possible in some years to see six penguin species on the island. Impressive scenery, a fine sense of solitude, a profusion of wild flowers and amazing sandy beaches make Pebble an unforgettable place. We stay next on beautiful Carcass Island for three nights and, if conditions permit, we will take a boat excursion to nearby West Point where an impressive Black-browed Albatross colony will be our principal objective, although there will be plenty of other wildlife to admire, including dolphins on the crossing.
Our final destination is Sea Lion Island where we stay in the comfortable tourist lodge where Southern Elephant Seal pups dozing in the garden, and inquisitive Striated Caracaras attempting to unpack our luggage, give a taste of what is in store on this superb island. Five penguin species can be found here, but the most numerous are the solemn Gentoos clustered together in their colonies, and the highly entertaining little Rockhoppers which hurl themselves ashore from the pounding waves with the alacrity of circus acrobats. For the period of our stay the island is our private domain, a birding paradise inhabited by Imperial Shag, Ruddy-headed and Kelp Geese, Falkland Skuas, Magellanic and Blackish Oystercatchers, Two-banded Plovers, Tussock Birds and many other exciting species. Southern Elephant Seals litter the beaches and, if we are lucky, we could witness Killer Whales cruising offshore.
A final two days in Stanley give us an opportunity to look around this small town which, for a short while, was the focus of the world’s media as the events of the Falklands conflict took place. Also scheduled is a boat excursion to Kidney Island, hopefully concluding a remarkable wildlife holiday with close views of the southern ocean seabirds which pass just off the shore of this undisturbed Tussac-covered island, and maybe a few dolphins as a bonus!
Outline Itinerary

What's Included?
- Flights
- Accommodation:
We stay in a comfortable hotel in Port Stanley and tourist lodges elsewhere. All rooms with private facilities.
- Food:
All meals are included in the price.
Gobsmacked. The very small numbers of guests on each island and the manner in which the wildlife approached guests out of curiosity led to great joy. Big moments: 'I feel a disturbance in the force' - look up, group of killer whales heading towards shore. Strolling through the tussac alongside pingys walking around sleeping elephant seal pups while caracaras look on from the tops of the tussac. Basically one long highlight from start to finish. Bearing in mind it was Matthew Capper first visit to the Falklands, he was on the ball from the first minute with spotting and identification and he put in the effort to facilitate and coordinate so well that we could be left alone to enjoy it all a lot of the time - exactly what you want for a wilderness.
A.P. Cornwall, Nov24 -
The Falkland Islands was a fantastic remote location full of wildlife, where anything can happen. From day one of our holiday we knew it was going to be an adventure of a lifetime and it didn’t disappoint. From the moment we visited Sea Lion Island and saw Killer Whales and Elephant Seals, we were in paradise. All the accommodations, food, travelling in 4x4 comfortable vehicles across the rugged terrain met all our expectations. We would definitely return to visit the islands we have not visited. Andy was a very knowledgeable guide, he was patient, approachable and most of all very funny and loved his job, nothing was too much trouble when any questions were asked of him, he’s definitely the best guide as his photography and birding knowledge was outstanding.
R.C. Gloucestershire, Oct 22 -
The local leader, Andy Pollard was excellent. He lived on the Islands so knew a lot about the way of life there and was also knowledgeable about the fauna and flora we found. He had a group of six who all had slightly different interests and he made sure that everyone had their expectations met. I loved the wildlife. There was plenty of time to just sit and watch which is what I wanted to do rather than be dragged off to the next thing. The pace of the holiday was excellent.
J.C. Buckinghamshire, Nov 19 -
Our 17 night trip included stays on Carcass, Sealion & Pebble Islands plus 2 nights each at Port Howard & Stanley. Every day included birding highlights, particularly penguins, of which we saw 5 species, plus nesting Black-browed Albatross. In addition we visited Southern Elephant Seal colonies where Orca were seen coming close inshore. The accommodation was in warm comfortable lodges and the food was well prepared and greatly enjoyed. More than anything the people running the lodges made us very welcome and catered for our needs and engaged with us, as if we mattered to them. Our leader was charming, considerate and humorous and ensured everyone got the most from the trip. He offered help and advice with photography and ensured everyone got a chance in the best seats in the vehicles.
G.S. Wiltshire -
So many new experiences, animals, places, locations (beautiful scenery) and best of all fantastic birds, especially the 5 different species of Penguin. All accommodation was clean and homely, with excellent home cooked meals and even home made cakes and cookies were taken out on day trips to have at elevens's. The FIGAS flights, choppy boat trips, and off road vehicles made this a fun packed holiday to remember for ever. This holiday was made even more fun by our Trip leader Kevin, who was very informative, new everything about Cameras and photography, but above all was a great laugh.
O.D.B. Northamptonshire -
A group of 7 including our tour leader, a well travelled naturalist with Royal Photographic distinction, spent two weeks hopping around the Falkland Islands using the local FIGAS Normander light aircraft, an experience in itself. On land around the islands 4x4 vehicles were used to convey us to wildlife hot spots where we were able to explore the flora and fauna at leisure. The birds on the Falklands are more confiding than most, were relatively indifferent to our intrusion and provided great photographic opportunities at close quarters. On two separate days we saw King, Gentoo, Rock-hopper, Macaroni, and Magallenic penguins. We sampled the excellent Falklands hospitality at lodges on Carcass, Sea Lion, and Pebble Islands as well as at Port Howard with our final stop over at a hotel in Stanley. Overall the weather was very kind to us. The wind speeds were a little higher than normal for November but this added to the drama of seascapes and our amusement as we observed silvery and white crested grebe appearing and then disappearing on the crests and in the troughs of waves of the inland pools.
R.R. Bristol -
It is obvious that this is a small company because there is the personal touch at each stage.
S.A. Cheshire -
Thank you for the marvellous trip to the Falklands. The expectations were very high, the realisation excelled them. Will was the perfect guide. Thanks again.
P.V. Belgium -
This trip more than lived up to our expectations! The bird & marine mammal life were exceptional; the hotels/lodges were splendid and each offered some superb food...the flights...were well organised...our travelling companions provided good company... We would certainly recommend the trip to any potential penguin/albatross/seal lovers!
B. & D P. Kent -
Service from Naturetrek office - very efficient and helpful. (Leader was) helpful, caring and attentive. This was a very enjoyable holiday, a wonderful experience to be able to watch wildlife at such close quarters.
P.C. West Midlands -
Overall, a brilliant holiday. The local guide, Alan Henry, was excellent and of course had lots of in depth knowledge of the best places to take us to. I fell in love with the Rockhopper Penguins!
A.W. Sheffield -
The holiday was superb. The Falklands are a wonderful place to visit and I consider myself privileged to have been there. Sitting two or three feet from Rockhopper Penguins is a magical moment.
This was a brilliant holiday and very well organised.
J.P. Merseyside -
Alan Henry is a superb leader - very knowledgeable about everything: birds, plants, weather etc. He was very helpful and encouraging. He was excellent in dealing with a few situations that could have tested a lesser man. All in all, a fantastic holiday made special not only by seeing so many birds but by being on the same flight as the 53 veterans on their way for Armistice Day. Super men with very intimate stories of '82. Very humbling. Thank you.
P.S. Worcestershire -
Each island had something different to offer, so each day was exciting and different, both boat trips were good even if a bit choppy! And the Figas flights were really good, a real wow factor, and everyone was very friendly and helpful.
C.S. Wiltshire
Dates & Prices

Tour Leader: David Spivack
Born in north London, David has been involved professionally in the conservation sector since 1990, whilst during the 80's he actively volunteered locally with the RSPB, the local Wildlife Trust and BTCV in the Lea Valley & Epping Forest areas.
Over the past 30 years, David's professional conservation career has included working for the RSPB in the North of England and at the RSPB HQ at the Lodge, the RSPB in the East of England along with The Wildlife Trusts UK Office and as the UK Director for Falklands Conservation, the Birdlife International partner based in the islands. During this time the roles David has undertaken has ranged from working with young people, volunteers, generating income & profile to support conservation, reserve management and working with UK & International partners and agencies to support conservation work in the Falkland Islands.
Now living in the North Yorkshire Wolds and close to Bempton Cliffs and Flamborough Head, David currently works for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.
Why Naturetrek?
At Naturetrek we craft expertly-guided group and tailor-made wildlife holidays and cruises to all seven continents. On one of our holidays, you can be assured that our passionate team will enable you to experience and enjoy the best of the world's wildlife and natural spectacles in as comfortable and rewarding a manner as possible, caring as best we can for the environment in the process. We are proud to provide:
- The widest choice of wildlife holidays worldwide
- Tours managed and led by naturalists, for naturalists
- Outstanding value and exceptional customer service
Furthermore, as a Naturetrek client, our office team are always to on hand to help you – so if you have any queries about your holiday, whether before or after you have booked, we will be delighted to answer them on the phone. Please just give our team a call!