The birding holiday to Coto Donana, Spain had everything I had hoped for. Our very knowledgeable and friendly guide took us to many of the best spots around the delta and we saw a vast array of birds to the delight of all on the trip. Besides being an expert on bird identification our guide knew a great deal about the wild flowers and insects which greatly added to our overall experience. Accommodation and food at a friendly hotel, within the heart of the delta, completed our satisfaction. Naturetrek lived up to all our expectations in terms of organisation and provision of a superb holiday.
M.B. West Yorkshire, Apr 24

Tour Itinerary and Reports
- Itinerary
- Tour report - May 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - May 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - May 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - May 2016
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - May 2015
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2014
- Tour report - April 2014
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Spain's Coto Donana & Extremadura
Tour Code: ESP11A 9-day birdwatching tour to Spain's southern wetlands and the bird-rich steppes of Extremadura.
Tour Itinerary and Reports
- Itinerary
- Tour report - May 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - May 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - May 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - May 2015
- Tour report - May 2016
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2014
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2014
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This birdwatching and natural history tour combines the contrasting habitats of south and central Spain – the sun-drenched steppes and plains of Extremadura, the rugged oak-forested hills of Monfragüe National Park, and one of Europe’s finest wetlands – the Coto Doñana National Park. We will explore these exciting and wild habitats during the course of this 2-centre holiday focusing particularly on the birdlife of the region, but also enjoying the abundant and colourful wayside flora, as well as any butterflies and mammals we encounter during our stay.
- A peaceful base in a lovely country house in Extremadura!
- Witness the 'foam bath' display of Great Bustards
- Sandgrouse, Roller, Hoopoe, Golden Oriole & Iberian Magpie
- Explore medieval Trujillo, birthplace of Francisco Pizarro (conqueror of Peru)
- White-headed Duck & Purple Gallinule near Sanlucar de Barrameda
- Spoonbill, Little Bittern & Spanish Imperial Eagle at Coto Doñana
- Led by expert naturalist guide
A traditional birding tour with limited amounts of easy walking.
Mention the idea of a Spanish holiday and the mind seems automatically to fill with images of vast hotel conurbations, over-crowded beaches, phoney flamenco dancers and fake bullfights, which have all long been served up to visitors as if they were representative of Spain’s authentic national life. Somehow, our impression of the country finds it hard to escape these holiday brochure clichés. Yet, ironically, most of this large country remains unknown to foreigners. Even the Spanish themselves live largely near its long coastline, leaving the mountains and high rolling plateaux of the interior undeveloped and sparsely populated.
Partly for these reasons, Spain has some of the last true wilderness in western Europe and is the continent’s most important country for birds. It has, for example, a third of its Red Kites and Montagu’s Harriers; half of all its Black, Griffon and Egyptian Vultures; three-quarters of the Booted and Bonelli’s Eagles and, not surprisingly, nearly all the world’s Spanish Imperial Eagles. For grassland birds it is outstanding, retaining more Great and Little Bustards than probably any other single country in Eurasia. Then there are a number of Mediterranean endemics — Red-necked Nightjar, Black Wheatear, Melodious Warbler, and Spotless Starling to name but a few — of which Spain holds major populations. And finally there are birds that have just a toehold in western Europe — Marbled Duck, White-headed Duck, Crested Coot and Purple Gallinule — that can only be seen in this exceptional country. This tour aims to find as wide a selection as possible of these many birds and to experience some of the diversity of Iberia’s magnificent scenery.
We begin our holiday with a flight to Seville and a drive through the cultivated lowlands of Andalucía, over the great Guadalquivir River and on to the Coto Doñana National Park, one of the finest wetlands in Europe. From our base in the small village of El Rocío we will explore the mosaic of marshes, Stone Pine woodland, open heathland and sand dunes in search of the park’s breeding and migrating birds. Flocks of Whiskered and Black Terns pick insects off the water’s surface, whilst Spoonbills, Little Egrets and the occasional Glossy Ibis feed in the shallows. Reedbeds hold good numbers of Little Bittern, Purple Heron and many of southern Spain’s specialities, amongst them Purple Gallinule, Marbled Teal, Crested Coot, the rare Spanish Imperial Eagle and Red-necked Nightjar. We will also visit the marshes, saltpans and freshwater lagoons along the eastern bank of the Guadalquivir River. With a hot and sunny climate this part of Andalucía is a major fruit growing area and, while agriculture has intensified here since Spain’s inclusion in the European Union, it remains rich in wildlife. Here such Andalucian specialities as the rare Whiteheaded Duck and Purple Gallinule can be seen and the Bonanza saltpans are aptly named and well worth a visit, being a haven for vast numbers of waders and a noted site for the localised Slender-billed Gull.
Following the best of the spring weather and bird migration we head north for the second part of our tour, through rolling hills, olive groves and Cork Oak woodland to the central plateau of Extremadura, where we find extensive sheep-grazed grasslands and Cork Oak forests known locally as ‘dehesa’. For the next four nights we will be based near the beautiful medieval town of Trujillo, an ideal spot from which to explore the adjacent steppes and the magnificent Monfragüe National Park. Flocks of Lesser Kestrels and Pallid Swifts wheel around Trujillo’s beautifully preserved ancient churches, whilst White Storks peer down from their roof-top nests or clatter their bills to greet a returning mate. Our main goal, however, will be to witness one of the most exciting bird spectacles in Europe, the breeding display of the Great Bustard. During this, the males — the world’s heaviest flying birds — convert themselves, by a series of bizarre distortions, into huge white balls of feathers that revolve slowly in an almost military step. While they look stately and dignified, the nearby Little Bustards perform an awkward, head-throwing action accompanied by a comical buzzing sound. The two species are certainly the star attractions of this region, but it offers far more besides, including many other grassland specialities such as Quail, Stone Curlew and Black-bellied Sandgrouse. In the surrounding Cork Oak dehesa we will look for Hoopoes, Iberian Magpies, Great-spotted Cuckoos, Woodchat Shrikes and Short-toed Treecreepers. Overhead we will keep an eye out for 16 species of raptor which should include the localised Black-shouldered Kite, Black Vulture and Spanish Imperial Eagle.
The big skies and open landscapes of Extremadura, together with the exciting variety of special birds never ceases to impress even the most well travelled naturalist, helping to make this locality perhaps the highlight of our springtime visit to Spain.
Outline Itinerary

What's Included?
- Flights
- Accommodation:
Pleasant hotel in El Rocío; casa rural outside Trujillo, Extremadura. All rooms have private facilities.
- Food:
All food included in the price.
We travelled to Coto Donana and Extremadura in Spain with Naturetrek in a group of 14 with two leaders. Both leaders were outstanding bird spotters (both seeing and hearing), and they worked hard to ensure everyone got on to the birds that were found. We found the majority of the target species, the only ones missed (waders) were due to there being too much water! Everything was extremely well organised throughout. The organisation of the holiday from the booking process through to asking for feedback as soon as we got back was excellent. Naturetrek provided excellent information about the holiday with access to previous trip reports, and made everything very easy and straightforward for us.
J.B. Tyne & Wear, Apr 24 -
A superbly organised holiday to two very different regions of Spain. We got to experience local cuisine in local restaurants together with friendly service. Accommodation was of a good standard with comfortable beds. The daily trips were well put together and the lunchtime picnics were very good, with excellent Spanish cheeses. My first time with Naturetrek and I would definitely use them again, in fact I’ve already chosen a destination.
R.W. Worcestershire, May 22 -
The stunning little village of el Rocio in the Donana NP was our centre for four days. Flamingos, ibis, terns, spoonbills, etc in the marismas seen, and great reed warbler heard from my bedroom window. Proud Andalusian horses parading every evening. Charming people. Delicious food. Wonderful wildlife, so many different birds and flowers in the Donana capped by watching a rare lynx for five minutes or so. Golden Orioles, nightingales and larks singing everywhere we went, and the beautiful bee eaters flitting about. Then up to Extremadura to the central plains for four comfortable nights in the middle of no where. Again highly varied habitats. Steppes with a huge variety of birds with the very great privilege of seeing the Great Bustard displaying. Rock faces holding many raptors’ nests with griffon vultures soaring on the thermals and actually flying close in below us so we could see them from above. Bright blue rock thrushes, handsome black storks. Add to that the wonderful woodland with the soft new growth of the downy oak relieving the dark of the evergreen cork and holm oaks. Golden orioles and yet more nightingales singing. Every day brought so many new delights all shared with a great bunch of people and two most exceptional guides.
A.T. Lancashire, Apr 22 -
An excellent introduction to the Coto Donana and Extremadura areas of Spain, led by extremely knowledgeable and committed guides. A very well organised tour, pleasant rural hotels and excellent picnic lunches. Birding orientated tour but the guides were also very knowledgeable about flowers, reptiles, mammals and local culture contributing to a very enjoyable tour. I booked this tour before Covid and 'rolled ' it forward twice. Naturetrek's communications were helpful throughout and all problems dealt with, including a flight cancellation shortly before the tour. A good value tour.
P.W. Hampshire, Apr 22 -
My first ever birding holiday - just over a week in Andalucia and Extremadura, Spain, visiting a couple of National Parks and a whole lot more. Every day was a new adventure, seeing species I had never even heard of, let alone seen before! Great accommodation in both places with good food. Extremely knowledgeable guides and just the right group size, 14. Very good value for money. Plenty of information provided in advance, including itinerary and past tour reports. Good communication throughout with timely updates on flight times and changes to Covid requirements at the border.
J.P. Dorset, Apr 22 -
The accommodation in both places was unique in their different ways and could not be faulted and in fact their enchantment added to the experience. The itinerary was excellent and surpassed my expectations. They were two superb areas offering a great contrast and diversity. Our 2 leaders knew the area so well that we saw everything that it was possible to see and their knowledge of the wetlands in the south and of Extremadura enhanced the whole experience. They were such fantastic and enthusiastic leaders and showed that they love what they do. They could not have done more for us. They gave us the most amazing experience and their knowledge of both areas surpassed all expectations.
P.A. Buckinghamshire, Apr 19 -
This was primarily a birding trip with the rare possibility of seeing Iberian Lynx of which I am thrilled to say we had wonderful sightings on the only day possible thanks to brilliant guiding. We saw an abundance of very many species of rare and more common birds at close range which, once again, was due to the knowledge and field skills of our excellent guide(s).
B.E. Hampshire, Mar 19 -
Excellent and very knowledgeable group leaders. Knew the key sites, planned the itinerary well. Had amazing in depth knowledge of the birds and were superb spotters. They both had a very open and friendly manner and were fun to be with! They worked very hard in the background to make sure everything went smoothly. The location of the first hotel was a real delight and very unusual in a good way. The second hotel was quite different, very stylish and a lovely place to stay.
R.F. Yorkshire, Apr 19 -
El Rocio is a curious and interesting town. Trujillo is a historic town. Very different places but both were fascinating to visit. The countryside we visited and drove through in Coto Donana and in Extramadura was beautiful, peaceful and lacking in tourists which was lovely. Simon & Nici, made the holiday... [they] were fantastic. They were full of enthusiasm; had incredible knowledge of the birds as well as the areas we passed through. They spoke the language fluently. They were safe drivers; had a good sense of humour and provided us with superb picnics.
F.E. Buckinghamshire, Apr 19 -
Really enjoyed the whole trip. We know both destinations and areas, but very much enjoyed this (re)visit with good leaders, good accommodation and a very convivial group. Saw lots of birds and nearly everyone saw at least one 'lifer'; many bird sightings provided excellent views.
T.F. Nottinghamshire, Apr 19 -
It was a superb holiday. The 2 trip leaders were real experts in their field of birds and both excellent at identifying wild flowers. They listened to what the group wanted to see and went to great lengths to try and find good locations for seeing the given species. In addition the hotel locations were stunning, the first overlooking a lagoon and the second with wonderful views.
R.G. London -
On this tour our leaders Simon and Amy were excellent showing the knowledge and personality to make a success of the trek - not easy in remote areas and with very different people in the group. We had some amazing sightings - Iberian Lynx and Spanish Imperial Eagle to name but two. On other occasions we not only saw the birds, animals, insects we were looking for but had really good views that will stay in the memory a long time. I was particularly keen to get some good sightings of Bee Eaters and was not disappointed! Hotels were good at both locations - especially the Vina las Torres Hotel in Extremadura which was outstanding.
M.C. Suffolk -
We stayed in 2 lovely and very different locations in Spain, looking for birds. The first 4 days were in Coto Donana, staying in El Rocio overlooking a lake full of water birds including flamingoes and watching glossy ibis flying back to roost as we had our evening meal. One day was spent with guides in the Donana park where we saw eagles and vultures. We then drove to Extremadura, where we stayed in a beautiful guest house in the country with nightingales singing all night long. Our hosts looked after us very well and we really enjoyed the regional cooking. We saw great and little bustards on the plains and more vultures and eagles in Monfrague. Our guides on the holiday were extremely knowledgeable and knew exactly where to go. Their identification skills were first class and they could pick up birds from the slightest call. It was a great introduction to 2 wonderful wildlife areas of Spain with over 170 species of birds.
E.W. Bedfordshire -
Excellent holiday - we recommend it. We saw a great variety of birds. Also flowers and scenery. The two places we stayed were full of atmosphere and the food was particularly good. We were with a very pleasant group of people, with whom we found plenty to talk about. The group leaders were superb and made the holiday a great experience for us. Would go with Naturetrek again!
S.T. Essex -
8 day holiday to Spain's Coto Donana and Extremadura region led by two very knowledgeable leaders who made sure that everyone got the best experience from the tour. Accommodation and food was very good especially in Extremadura where we were made to feel like extended family members of the owners of the hotel. The birdwatching day trips were well organised and aimed at all levels of birders.
M.S. Nottinghamshire -
The three hotels were elegant. Andy Tucker was most helpful (beyond the course of duty) with my add-on stay, which worked really well.
M.W. Oxfordshire -
Once again your leaders were excellent. They made sure everyone saw what was to be seen, and were cheerful and approachable, even when the birds were not! I certainly recommend them.
M.H. Nottinghamshire -
An excellent holiday. The finca was exceptional - good food, rooms, setting and hospitality from our hosts - a real family atmosphere. The tour leaders were all we could wish for - ensured we saw as many birds as we could and looked after us very well. Nothing was too much trouble for them.
M.B. Bedfordshire -
I thought the combination of two guides worked very well. Byron was well organised, and James' birding skills were very impressive.
S.F. Cambridgeshire -
The trip leaders, David and Simon, were both excellent - hard-working, knowledgeable and very pleasant and helpful.
G.L. Somerset -
Our tour leaders, David and Simon, performed beyond the call of duty. They worked to ensure the smooth running of the trip. Their driving skills ensured a safe comfortable journey. Picnic preparation was excellent ... and they then led a bird watching excursion with no break! Their enthusiasm and knowledge was greatly appreciated as a very inexperienced birdwatcher. Together they were an excellent team working long hours, always with a smile.
D.S. Oxfordshire -
Both leaders were always approachable and the group 'gelled' well. The accommodation at both hotels were, in my opinion, excellent. I enjoyed all the food and we were always made to feel welcome at our hotel rural and the owner took the trouble to explain about the different foods and what area the wine came from - a nice touch! I would add that the waiters at our first hotel were always attentive as well.
G.C. Somerset -
Everything was wonderful - our guides, the accommodation, the food, transport and weather. All made for a great holiday.
R.B. East Sussex -
Both hotels were excellent. The view over the lagoon from our room at El Rocio was unforgettable and the meals at the adjoining restaurant were very good.
A.R. Cumbria -
This was an excellent trip, supremely well led by the leaders. The itinerary was well-balanced, with plenty of interesting bird watching expeditions. Both leaders knew the wildlife and provided interesting information on habitats and lifestyles. They exhibited exactly the right level of understanding, friendship, courtesy and leadership. I really enjoyed the trip, and I look forward to my next trip with you.
M.H. Yorkshire
Dates & Prices

Tour Leader: Andy Smith
Andy lives on the edge of Dartmoor in South Devon. He’s been a keen birder and naturalist for as long as he can remember and has enjoyed a varied career divided between conservation work in Britain and Ireland, school teaching and wildlife tour leading. He started leading for Naturetrek way back in 1997 and has now led over 150 tours to a wide range of destinations in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Antarctica. When not currently leading tours Andy teaches geography and history to teenagers and in his spare time he explores the natural history of Dartmoor and the South Hams and serves on the records committee of Devon Birds. He also makes regular trips to the west of Ireland to visit his children and grandchildren.

Tour Leader: Nicola Scatassi
Nicola was born in Genoa in 1973 and has always lived in north western Italy. His passion for nature and wildlife began when he was thirteen or fourteen, largely due to his uncle and aunt, both nature enthusiasts, who were the first to take him around to places like the Alps and the Camargue looking for birds. After a few years doing various jobs, including working as a nature guide, he started to work as a ranger and fauna surveyer in the River Po Regional Park in Piedmont in 2000 (finding over 50 species of dragonflies and damselfies in the park), and he is still doing the same job with passion and commitment. His interest is now not only limited to birds - he's very fond of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, dragonflies, orchids...and pretty much everything else! He's always loved travelling, and this passion has taken him to over 50 countries in 5 continents, looking for birds, wildlife, nature, culture and local culinary delights! He's been leading tours since 2008 and has led or co-led more than 20 tours since in various European countries as well as in Georgia, Armenia and Egypt. Nicola graduated in foreign languages, speaks very good English, good French and some Spanish.
Prefer to Travel in a Private Group?
For any interested natural history club or society, we can arrange for a private departure of this tour.
Tour Reports
- Tour report - May 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - April 2024
- Tour report - May 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - April 2023
- Tour report - May 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2022
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2019
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2018
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - April 2017
- Tour report - May 2016
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - April 2016
- Tour report - May 2015
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2015
- Tour report - April 2014
- Tour report - April 2014
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At Naturetrek we craft expertly-guided group and tailor-made wildlife holidays and cruises to all seven continents. On one of our holidays, you can be assured that our passionate team will enable you to experience and enjoy the best of the world's wildlife and natural spectacles in as comfortable and rewarding a manner as possible, caring as best we can for the environment in the process. We are proud to provide:
- The widest choice of wildlife holidays worldwide
- Tours managed and led by naturalists, for naturalists
- Outstanding value and exceptional customer service
Furthermore, as a Naturetrek client, our office team are always to on hand to help you – so if you have any queries about your holiday, whether before or after you have booked, we will be delighted to answer them on the phone. Please just give our team a call!
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