News in Brief: Raja Ampat, Cyprus & Iceland
March 2024
‘We started this cruise with a couple of optional half days of birding around Sorong, visiting both mangroves and forests, with species such as Palm Cockatoo, Red-cheeked Parrot, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Orange-fronted Fruit Dove and Blue-black Kingfisher being seen’ writes tour leader Alison Steel. ‘Once on board our comfortable boat, we started by heading south-west towards Misool, where we found Spinner and Indopacific Bottlenose Dolphins and False Killer Whale between the rugged limestone islands. Underwater species included Reef Octopus (which were showing colour-changing behaviour), Green and Hawksbill Turtles, sharks, thousands of fish and many species of coral. A variety of seabirds were spotted as we travelled, including Lesser Frigatebirds, Tropical and Streaked Shearwaters, Red-necked Phalaropes and huge flocks of Common, Greater Crested, Bridled and White-naped Terns. During island visits to Kofiau, Piaynemo and Waigeo we found starlings, honeyeaters, parrots, pigeons, doves, sunbirds and raptors, as well as displaying Red and Wilson’s Birds-of-paradise. Our last couple of days gave us breaching Omura’s Whales, Oceanic Mantas (including leaping ones), Pantropical Spotted and Spinner Dolphins, Short-finned Pilot Whale and Bryde’s Whale, before we returned full circle to Sorong to begin our journey home.’
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March 2024
‘Any trip that starts with fabulous views of Bluethroat and ends with equally close views of Semi-collared Flycatcher has got to have something special!’ writes tour leader Andy Bunten.
‘Despite some challenging windy weather – and also lots of hot sunshine – we were able to notch up some impressive migrants: Hoopoes galore, Red-rumped Swallows swooping low, a Rüppell’s Warbler disappearing into one end of a bush and an Eastern Subalpine Warbler appearing out of the other, then both appearing together in a wonderful cameo, Great Spotted Cuckoos chattering on treetops and Eastern Bonelli’s Warblers hovering under low leaves.
There were endemics, of course – a lovely male Cyprus Warbler and a sudden influx of Cyprus Wheatears buzzing from multiple treetops – and gorgeous Paphos Blue butterflies, while endemic plants were everywhere, together with impressive orchids – 26 in all, with 15 on one very notable day.
Add in fabulous pastries from the myriad bakeries, wonderful views, great hotels and unique geology and you’ve definitely got a trip with a lot going for it!’
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March 2024
‘This was a relaxing 2-centre trip with visits to coasts, wetlands, forests and mountains, and we enjoyed sun and warmth after a wet British winter, fun and laughter with like-minded friends, and spectacular orchids and colourful migrants’ writes tour leader Andy Bunten.
Black Francolins sang from stone walls, males chasing females in a small orchard where Wrynecks lurked and Barn Swallows collected mud for nests. Cretzschmar’s Buntings and Great Spotted Cuckoos perched on bushtops, while Kotschy’s Geckos hid under stones.
The sun shone brightly on our ‘orchid mile’ walk, where at least 11 species of orchid were easily found and eagerly photographed.
Isabelline and Northern Wheatears hopped around the fabulous mosaics of the Paphos Archaeological Site and a Blue Rock Thrush stood imperiously on a 2,000-year-old column.
Add the buzzy songs of Cyprus Wheatears, remarkable-looking Hoopoes and the distinctive call of Cyprus Scops Owl and you have yourself quite a holiday!’
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March 2024
‘The back-to-back tours to Iceland were a great success, with both groups seeing the Northern Lights and Orca, while there were mixed fortunes with the weather and other wildlife sightings’ writes tour leader Dave Jackson. ‘Yaktrax were a blessing for the first group, though ice had all but melted for the second tour. The first group enjoyed several White-tailed Eagle sightings and a brief Gyr, while the second group only glimpsed an eagle from the moving vehicle, though Rock Ptarmigan in winter plumage was a bonus.
The magnificent Gullfoss remained partially frozen and Strokkur geyser reliably erupted several times on our visits. The most wanted ducks in the wintery landscape, Barrow’s Goldeneye and Harlequin, were seen well by both groups, with Harlequins along with Long-tailed Ducks in double figures.
Strong winds prevented the whale-watching boat from leaving the harbour during the first tour, though calm conditions and sunshine prevailed for the second group with Orca, Sperm Whale, White-beaked Dolphin and Harbour Porpoise delighting all on board. Many seabirds including Glaucous and Iceland Gulls, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Razorbills and Fulmars added avian interest, while Black Guillemot and Eiders sheltered in the harbour.
Several guests had visited before and vowed to do so again for the sublime scenery and wonderful wildlife Iceland has to offer over the changing seasons.’
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