Marcus Kohler

Marcus grew up in suburban south London, and his first love was mammals, fuelled by frequent visits to London Zoo, but frustration at the limitations of local habitat led to a lifelong love of birds and reptiles as well, with a love of football competing somewhere in between. Now safely ensconced in Cambridgeshire, with wife Jane (and their 2 boys, Stan and Alfie), they lead MKA Ecology, in its 21st year of providing sustainable ecological solutions for developers. He has combined this with leading wildlife tours across 4 continents and enjoyed prolonged overseas ecological experiences, in South East Asia, Australasia and Africa and specialising in Madagascar. Marcus took leave from his company to work with Birdlife International for three years as Global flyways officer. He managed the UNDP Migratory Soaring Birds Project, developing international guidance on minimising impacts of renewable energy and waste management sectors on wildlife, and addressing illegal hunting of migratory birds in the Middle East and North East Africa. A qualified football coach for 10 years, he established and chaired a local grassroots club building to 10 teams, and never understands why the kids don't appreciate that they are the most ornithologically informed teams in the league.