Benedito Freitas


Professional Naturalist Guide since 2000, Benedito Freitas saw his passion for nature grow when he started leading nature tours, back in 1995 when he still was student of Tourism and expanded his knowledge by studying Biology. Since then, thinking about how to balance ecotourism and conservation, he has earned a vast experience leading birdwatchers, photographers, filmmakers (including NatGeo and BBC crews) and wildlife enthusiasts to most parts of Brazil, specially the Pantanal, the extensive Cerrado of central Brazil, Southern Amazon, Southern Brazil, and the XINGU reserve, a region he knows best. On the field, he excels not only for his ability to find, identify and show the birds and other animals to his clients, but also for his deep knowledge and understanding of Zoology, Ecology and Conservation issues. When not guiding, Ben also work as a field ornithologist, and is a research associate at the Laboratory of Ornithology of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (NEPA / IB / UFMT), as well as a member of the Brazilian Ornithological Society.