Ural & Great Grey Owls star on central Sweden tour

Following on from the success of our first ‘Sweden in Spring' tour, our second departure of the season also produced wonderful views of owls and other wildlife. 

Ural Owl chick by Daniel Green

Following on from the success of our first ‘Sweden in Spring’ tour, our second departure of the season also produced wonderful views of owls and other wildlife. Bird highlights included Ural (including the chick shown in this photo) and Great Grey Owls, Common Rosefinch, Honey Buzzard, White-tailed Eagle, Little Gull, Black Tern, Ortolan Bunting, Wryneck, Thrush Nightingale and many more species (in total 133). Among the non-avian wildlife that our group enjoyed were: 20-30 Camberwell Beauties, Moose and Beaver.

Read more about our 'Sweden in Spring' holiday.