Osorno Volcano

See the 2020 Solar Eclipse in Chile with Naturetrek

David Phillips
By David Phillips
Operations Manager
17th February 2020
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Three Naturetrek groups will soon be departing for Chile to witness a total solar eclipse. If you’ve missed this chance to see the greatest of celestial wonders, we will shortly be announcing our plans for next year’s eclipse.

On 14th December 2020, the shadow of the moon will speed across the Pacific Ocean and once again make landfall in South America. This time it will cross one of the most beautiful regions on that continent: the clear lakes, forested mountains and snowclad volcanoes of Chile’s Lake District. This region will undoubtedly provide a stunning backdrop for an eclipse which will take place in the southern summer. Our groups will spend three nights in the southern city of Valdivia, our base for the eclipse, as part of a series of tours that will include Chiloe Island, rugged Patagonia and an epic Andean crossing to Argentina. If wonderful scenery wasn’t enough, southern Chile is also home to some fabulous wildlife, from majestic condors and colonies of penguins, to forests of southern beeches and iconic araucarias.  

Whilst in Chile for this July’s eclipse, the manager of our eclipse tours, David Phillips, will spend a few days in the Lake District to select the perfect viewing site. If you would like to know more about our plans, please register your interest with David by emailing him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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