Tom Uridge


Tom was born and brought up in Hertfordshire, and has been a wildlife enthusiast for as long as he can remember. Some of Tom’s fondest early memories include long summer evenings spent down at the local badger sett, or the hours spent at the garden bird feeders, always with a field guide by his side.

It was the two years that Tom spent travelling around Australia and New Zealand that really reinforced his passion for nature, and resulted in his decision to return to the Cotswolds in search of a rural lifestyle in the great British countryside. Whilst perhaps Tom’s most memorable wildlife encounter may always be the thrilling experience of cage diving with Great White Sharks off the south coast of Australia; hearing a singing male Nightingale here in the UK is certainly be a close second.

Professionally, Tom has worked in both the arboriculture and horticultural sectors but now works as a conservation manager on a 3,000 acre estate in Gloucestershire. He prides himself on his excellent ability to identify British birds by both sight and sound, and, although a birder at heart, he is also exceedingly competent at moth and butterfly identification.

A keen wildlife photographer, Tom can often be found lying face-down on the ground trying to capture unique moments in nature. With his own distinct photographic style, butterflies and birds are some of Tom’s favourite subjects to photograph.