Jane Dixon

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TL Jane Dixon

Jane was born and raised in Preston, Lancashire, and spent her childhood hiking in the Northern fells and moors with her family.  Guidebooks in rucksacks, all new and interesting creatures were studied and identified.  After graduating from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, where she met her future husband, Adam Dudley (also a guide for Naturetrek), she has lived and worked in numerous countries, including Germany, United States, and India.  These travels have offered fantastic opportunities for wildlife encounters and further study.  During this time, Jane also developed a passion for wildlife photography, and graduated in 2012 from the New York Institute of Photography.  Jane's wildlife and photography interests include butterflies, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, with a developing interest in odonata and spiders.  Birds also feature highly because of her mum and husband.  Since moving to California over 4 years ago, Jane has been a volunteer fieldtrip leader for the Sequoia Audubon Society, run educational courses for local organisations interested in learning more about local birds, taken part in regular bird counts, spent time butterfly monitoring for the rare and localized Bay Checkerspot, and been a regular contributor to iNaturalist.  Now based in Tucson, Arizona, Jane is a keen traveller and always looking out for the next adventure.

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