Estonia is a delightful bird watching destination and has a great deal to offer at any season. However, one of prime objectives of our early April long-weekend in the country is to witness the gathering of Steller's Eiders off Saaremaa island, the largest of the myriad of islands which stud the Estonian coast.

Naturetrek’s Bret Charman recently travelled to Wales for a wildlife photography event like no other in the UK. The Red Kite feeding centre of Gigrin Farm was Bret's destination for a few hours of photography heaven.

Indian Dhole by Bret Charman

Bret Charman continues his month-long trip to India with visits to the Tiger Reserves of central India, his mission to take as many photographs as possible …

Taj Mahal

Bret Charman comes towards the end of his month-long trip to India with visits to some famous landmarks, his mission to take as many photographs as possible …

We sent Naturetrek’s newest recruit, Bret Charman, on a month long trip to India to get a taste of this diverse country. We did give Bret one main task before he left: take plenty of photographs.  He was more than happy to oblige.